Zdenka (Satya Simran Kaur) is a registered Yoga Alliance Teacher (E-RYT700), Founder of Yogic Life and Yogaroom. Ambassador of Yoga science, Honesty, Hard work, Progress and Love. Originally from Belgrade Serbia based in The Netherlands and has walked long distances in finding the essence of this beautiful dance called life. “Who am I, Why am I here? Where am I going? What is Love? What is happiness?” …are some big life questions in us searching for answers…Yoga has always intrigued me, in my study I fell and still keep falling in love with yoga more and more each day. It opens my world, my heart, it opens every other part of my being and I keep learning alot about myself. I have learned that discipline, practice, progress and kindness bring awareness of a being in every possible way. There are just few things in life that we can’t control and there are just few things that we really need. Everything else is just matter of hard work, focus and honesty. Yoga philosophy brought everything in connection with my own logic, it feels like everything is clear, grounded and peaceful and at the same time there is so much more to learn. As a teacher, I intend to inspire and train people to develop themselves to best possible version of themselves. I intend to be a tunnel in giving what I have and still receive from my teachers. There is actually no yoga style in my experience. Yoga is a technology that helps in a personal development. I teach from and to the heart, connecting the outer yoga of posture and breath to the inner yoga of concentration and meditation. There is alot that I want to share with you!” Love, Zdenka
Marlies Mackaaij is een geregistreerde yoga docent (200 RYT) en eigenaar van Macka Yoga. In 2014 is zij in aanraking gekomen met yoga doordat ze rug- en schouderklachten had en fysio en acupunctuur hielpen haar niet. De yoga bracht ruimte in haar schouders, rug en geest. Yoga heeft voor een transformatie van en in het lichaam gezorgd. In 2017 ging zij elke dag yoga beoefenen en wilde niet meer anders. Wat Marlies wil meegeven tijdens haar lessen is het luisteren naar jezelf, je lichaam je behoefte en niet je ego of de omgeving om je heen. Verzacht naar jezelf, hou van je jezelf en je gehele zijn.
Lorena Asencio (Lore) When I started practicing Yoga in my twenties, I practiced sporadically and just as a physical activity. Later, during my office-job-time, I wanted to practice more often at home but I was not ready to build a daily practice. Today, I am a Yoga Teacher (200 RYT) and I enjoy sharing my experience and learnings to support others in this Yoga-Journey. In my lessons, I focus on the breathing, awareness of the body, and pranayama and meditation are included. Besides Yoga, I work as a masseuse in The Hague. In 2014, I met Thai Massage for the first time and, after three times in Thailand, I am a certified Thai Massage teacher (www.suriyathai.nl). So, in some of my Yoga lessons, you will practice a bit of self-massage. Yoga helps me to experience the power of awareness, recognize and respect other realities, to observe and accept feelings and reactions. Happiness and Love are within us, we are Love, Be Happy!
Jurek van Duyvenvoorde, (200 RYT) Yoga teacher. What is the meaning of life? That question had been lingering on my mind for 7 years, searching externally. Until I had a ‘rude awakening’ 3 years ago, that shifted my consciousness inward. It showed me that I can choose my meaning. I dove into world of Yoga. Yoga helps me to balance myself and to be of service to others. Yoga showed me that the breath, the first & last thing we do on this beautiful earth, can guide you through any situation. Yoga showed me that through cultivating care, compassion and appreciation for myself, I can learn to love myself and all my shadows. What you can expect in my class; a safe place where you can experience the body through asanas, the energy through breath and an aware mind.
Marta Camacho, it all started in Paris, where I felt the need to connect more deeply with myself and find a flow in the busy life I had. In 2014, love and work took me to Georgia, and after a year and a half, I moved blindly to the Netherlands, where I plunged deeper into the universe of yoga. I start practicing Ashtanga yoga every day at home, and thus create a daily routine. This practice brought me a healthier lifestyle and much more awareness. This word ‘awareness’ will be the basis of all my practice and will change the way I see and live life. I am currently a Yoga Alliance teacher (RYT200) and my teachings are in English, French and Spanish, my mother tongue. In my classes you can expect a dose of meditation, pranayama and a flow in between asanas and the theme chosen in that class. My main mission as a teacher, and a forever student that I am, is to grow personally (mindfully, spiritually and physically), and see those around me grow. This is the main reason why I become a life coach.
Sarah Jane Rawkins. My first experience with Yoga was during a trip to Thailand in 1997. The very first class completely inspired me and sparked a deep interest in the subject of Yoga which still continues to grow. I spent many years following many different styles of yoga with different teachers internationally.I particularly loved the precision, integrity, authenticity and serious disciplined approach of the Iyengar system of Yoga.The attention to detail, alignment and subtilties of asanas and pranayama inspired me to follow the 3 year Iyengar Teacher Training program in the Netherlands which I completed in 2007. I have followed classes and workshops with senior teachers in The Netherlands, Australia, Canada, United States, England. I have been several times to study in India and I have been 3 times to the Iyengar Institute in Pune India to study directly with the Iyengars.I love to teach others and share my passion for Yoga. I have been teaching regularly in the Netherlands since 2006.I have taught workshops in England, Northern California, Prague , Glasgow, Portugal and Crete. I continue to further my studies of the subject, working with the Iyengar Teacher Certification system.I received Intermediate Junior 11 in 2013 and will continue to work towards higher levels of practice and teaching. I am currently following a 3 year therapeutics course to be able to teach and apply the therapeutic attributes of Iyengar yoga to help and guide people with injuries, illness or physical limitations. Yoga is a life long journey of exploration which is ever evolving. The more you learn, the more there is to learn, penetrating deeper levels of your self, your life, and your understanding. I love to share what I have learnt and wish to light the spark of inspriration in others.
Vd (Vaidya) Bhoelai Shasvin, is geboren te Paramaribo, Suriname. En gewoond op Domburg in het Distrikt Wanica. Zijn droom was altijd om een bijdrage te leveren aan de gezondheidszorg. Hij heeft Ayurveda wetenshappen in India gestuurd en is afgestudeerd aan Sri Dharmastala Manjunateshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital in Hassan, geaffilieerd aan Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka India. Momenteel studeert hij aan het Leiden Universiteit voor zijn Masters of Science in Vitaliteit en Veroudering. Hij is ingeschreven in het artsenregister van India en ook lid van de beroepsvereniging ANVAG in Nederland. Shasvin heeft als co- assistent gewerkt in de multi specialiteiten hospitaal van S.D.M College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan. In deze functie werkte hij als arts in de OPD (Outdoor patient department) in het ziekenhuis, als arts in IPD (Indoor patient department) in het ziekenhuis. Verder werkte hij als arts onder specialisten van diverse disciplines. Ook assisteerde hij mee met speciale Ayurveda behandelingen volgens de geschriften van Ayurveda. Verder assisteerde hij ook met operaties zowel electief als spoedgevallen in de O.K.
Mijn naam is Willem Reitsma – Ik maak graag uitdagende reizen in de bergen en in de woestijn, maar ik vind het ook fijn om even bij te tanken en rust te vinden met een retreat. In 2013 ben ik, op latere leeftijd, lessen in yoga & meditatie gaan volgen. Dit heeft mij tot nu toe veel moois gebracht en dat wil ik graag delen met anderen in de vorm van korte verhaaltjes over mijn ervaringen met yoga en meditatie. Dat kan iets moois zijn wat ik heb beleefd of iets wat mij bezig houdt en wat stof tot nadenken geeft, voor mij persoonlijk of als inspiratie voor anderen.